The Transforming power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

About the Hidalgos

The Hidalgo’s have been active in the church in many different areas for the better part of twenty years. We have been able to serve in the Tech Ministry, Worship Ministry, Children’s and Youth Ministries, and Young Adult/ Family Ministry. 

Anthony and his wife Jazlyn were married in 2017, and welcomed their son, Elijah, in 2021. They have been in ministry together all those years, serving in those many church ministries. After their son was born, Anthony and Jazlyn felt the Lord leading them to have Jazlyn be in full-time “home ministry” to their son. They are both excited to partner with Shiloh Bible Conference and Donnelly Bible Church in ministry. 

Anthony has a passion for youth camps and family ministries as God used these ministries to bring Him to Christ. He has a heart to serve the community and the church, and it is his view that serving at Shiloh and Donnelly Bible Church is an incredible way to do both! 

The Hidalgo Family is gearing up to move to Donnelly for full-time mission work in May 2024. They are seeking prayer as they prepare for this move, raise finances as missionaries, and as they hit the ground running in ministry! They thank you for your support in prayer and finances.

 “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. Romans 1:16”